Friday, October 31, 2014


Halloween was on a Friday this year, which is a day that I normally work, but fortunately I had off this year!!  I made orange pancakes with chocolate chips and sprinkles.  We went to Lee's Market Place at 1pm to trick-or-treat.  The neighbor Ashley Beddes and her two kids came with us.  All of the employees were dressed up and they had trick-or-treat stations in each department.  They gave out some sweet stuff: apple, string cheese, gold fish, cookies, chocolate milk, popcorn, and few pieces of candy.  They also had a spook aisle in the back of the store.  We only made it in a few steps before Baylee freaked out so we turned around and came out.  Once we had made it thru the store we went out on the grass and let the kids at some of their treats and play in the leaves.  It was so nice outside, a little breezy, but warm enough that I had to take Austin’s monkey costume off.  (I was not feeling very well because I had not eaten so I was a little shaky.)  After that it was nap time for the kiddos and time for mommy to get to work in the kitchen.  Ryan invited his family over for dinner and trick-or-treating; (which I find a little bit odd because Halloween doesn’t seem like a family holiday to me but maybe that is just because I didn’t grow up around family.) Everybody showed up around 5 for dinner and we were off trick-or-treating by 6:30.  (Jen and Paul didn’t come.) After four houses Baylee was done!  I made her go to a few more houses and then she and I came home to hand out candy.  It was so nice outside we sat on the front steps and handed out candy.   She had way more fun handing out candy than she did trick-or-treating.  Everybody else made it around the block and when they got back they took off.  We stayed out for another good hour after everyone was gone.  We put the kids to bed around 9 and then started on clean up.  Ryan was really good about helping me get the kitchen back in order.  It was a fun day!!!!  I love spending time with my family!!!  

Baylee was a dolphin this year and Austin a monkey.  Of all the beautiful princesses/fairy costumes out there, Baylee wanted to Dolphin!!!! What a funny girl.   

Sitting on the porch handing out candy!!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ward Halloween Party

Heber as Buzz Light Year

Heber had to have a cat painted on his face like Baylee!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hanging at home

Had a fun day yesterday just hanging out at home with my kiddos. We invited little Heber over to play with Baylee and they had a great day!! So fun to watch them play together!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day at the park

Such a beautiful fall day!!!  It was hard for me to leave a messy house and go play but I am sure glad I did!!! Nothing better than enjoying time with my kiddos. This is the first time that we had been to the  Harrisville Park and i really like it. I am sure we will be going back soon.