Thursday, November 27, 2014


Bateman Thanksgiving 2014
I decide that this year for Thanksgiving that we were going to try and see both of our families.  Ryan’s parents live so close that we drive over for lunch, hang out for a few hours, and then drive home.  So I figured that since we both had Thursday and Friday off we should take a trip to my parent’s.  The only thing that would have kept us here is the Christmas light parade that they do in downtown Ogden.  Baylee heard Ryan and I talking about which we should do and she piped in and said that she wanted to go to Grandma Young.  (I was surprised that is what she chose because we had not been there in over a year.)  I packed everything in advance so we could leave right from Ryan’s parent’s house after their Thanksgiving.  I figured that it would be best to travel at nap time.  The plan was to be at Ryan’s parent’s house at 10 AM and be on the road at 2 PM.  However things did not go as smoothly as I had hoped.  Ryan was mad that we were going to Idaho so he drug his feet Thursday morning, but we managed to make it there by 10:30 - with only a few tears from me.  Once we got there life was good.  The only thing that I had to bring was Stouffers Stuffing:  super easy!  Becky did all of the hard work.  It was only Don and Becky, Eric’s family and us this year.  We did get to see Hayden, Lauri, and Tuff for a few before they headed to his dad’s.  We ate at 12:00 on the dot!  Becky does not like having a late lunch which I think is great as well.  After lunch we sat and visited until about 3:30ish.   At that point kids were getting super whiny so we threw them in the car and headed to Idaho.  They slept for all but the last hour and the last hour was the LONGEST hour of my life. 
Idaho was a blast! The kids had so much fun! Thayne and Geniel were there with their three youngest.  Cody and Katie showed up on Saturday.   Baylee LOVED everything about being at Grandma Young’s.   She loved just going out and seeing the cows, which we did several times.  She was able to take her first tractor ride with Grandpa Young.   Austin got in for a little bit but he was a little unsure.   Oh how she loved the horse!!!!   My dad’s horse Cash was in the front pasture.   I took her in the pasture and let her pet him up close and I decided to throw her on his back and see how she did.  She loved it!!!  She just sat up there petting him and hugging him.  It was so dang Cute!!!!   I tried to put Austin up there and he didn’t want anything to do with it.  It was such a fun weekend.  One of things that I loved the most was how much time I was able to spend with Ryan.  It just seems like we never get to sit down and just be together.  If we were home I am sure we would have work on a project so it was nice to be away with nothing to do.  My mom even watched the kids for a few hrs Friday afternoon so we could go shopping alone.  It was amazing!!!   Not only did we finish our Christmas shopping but WE were ALONE!!!!! Love spending time alone with my husband!!!!    
On our way to Idaho!
Baylee Loved the horse!!
Tractor rides with Grandpa!!
Baylee Loved it!!! She road with grandpa for quit awhile!!
Austin not so sure about the tractor!!  He only made it about 30seconds.

Baylee found a tumble weed and thought it was the coolest thing ever!!!

Baylee tell the horse good by.
On our way home

Thursday, November 13, 2014

First snow!!!!

 November 13 was our first snow fall. It wasn't a lot and it melted before the day was over but the kid enjoyed it while it lasted. It was a little slick and Austin was pretty frustrated from falling. All in all it was a fun time in the snow.
Mom watch what I can do!!!

Snow Angle!!!

Snow ball fight!

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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day After Halloween

Day after Halloween Ryan's out in the rain hanging up the Christmas lights!!!
Daddy's Little Helper