Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014
Christmas was on a Thursday this year!!! Witch was amazing because I had so much time off work!! My boss takes the week between Christmas and new years off.  It was so fun to be home with my sweet kiddos. 
            Christmas morning started off with the bang it snowed for the first time this year. It snowed a good four feet and I think the kids were more excited for the snow then they were presents. After about half way thru unwrapping presents Baylee asked if she could play in the snow, so we bundled up and went out in the snow.  We played until we where freezing than came in and got lunch ready.  We had turkey potatoes gravy and veggies, nothing to fancy. Ryan’s parents stopped by just as we finished lunch and stayed until about two.  Put the kids down for their naps and cleaned up. Karalie called while the kids were sleeping and invited us over for dinner. So we packed up and headed over to her house. She made a yummy dinner like always and I eat too much like always. It was fun to visit and let the kids play, it had been awhile sense we had been up there. Karalie had the kids playing a game of charades and Baylee really got into it.  When it was her turn to act and somebody would guess wrong she would freak out.  She would stop mid-acting and yell “NO!” her facile expressions where priceless!  She had everybody rolling!! She is too funny!!!
            Friday and Saturday where spent doing projects. Ryan was tooooo tired to go to Idaho for Christmas but somehow had plenty of energy to paint the house. Sunday I took the kids and went to my mom and dad’s.  I woke up early and went to the 9ocloke sacrament meeting so I could drive during their nap time. It was such a fun trip!! I was worried that they would have a hard time and want to go home but they both loved every minute of it. How could I be have been worried there are so many fune things to do at grandpas house: horse, cows, calf ranch, four wheeler, and just plan being spoiled! Katie came Monday afternoon and Karalie came late Tuesday night. It was so nice to visit with my sisters and my mom. I had planned to come home on Wednesday the 31st o I could spend New Years with Ryan but he said he was planning on working on his truck so we stayed an extra day and celebrated New Years with my family. Baylee was Supper excited to stay up until midnight, so glad she cannot tell time!! (shhh don’t tell her that she went to bed at 9pm he he he) Quin and Staci came over for New Years Eve and we played UNO until Midnight. Yes that is right for the first time in 5 years I stayed up until midnight!!! Don’t worry I was out by 12:05!!!  

Chritmas photos 2014

Christmas Pictures

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Bateman Family Christmas Party

Bateman Family Christmas Party 2014.