Monday, February 2, 2015

Baylee's fourth birthday


My little girl is four!!! She is such a fun kid!! She is a loving tender hearted little girl that is full of attitude!!!  She is always making us laugh with her sassiness!! Whenever Ryan and I are arguing she “Yells RELAX REALX RELAX, JESUS LOVES YOU”!!  She will then continue to let us know who is in the wrong. For instance: “Ry be nice to my mom or Mom stop being mean to my Dad!!” It never fails to make us smile. She loves to snuggle!! Since she was born she has loved to be healed. I don’t lay by her much anymore but when I do she wraps her arms around my neck and places her check on my check and falls asleep. As soon as she wakes up she comes right to my bed for some snuggles. She will lay there snuggling me for a half hour sometimes. This mommy Loves it!!! She loves to dance and sing.  She knows quite a few songs but even if she didn't know any she would still sing. She just makes up words as she goes along. It is so cute to watch her sing her own songs. She really gets in to it.  She loves to be read to and to tell stories of her own. She is a very talkative little girl. She will strike up a conversation with random people wherever we go.  She is pretty patient with her little brother who is always in her face. She loves babies (real babies not dolls) and animals. Everyone always gets a kick out listing to her talk to babies. I love just listing to her talk in general you just never know what she is going to say!! She would have been great on that show “Kids say the darndest things” She is my little sweetheart and I am so happy to have her!!
Baylee has wanted to go to McDonald's playground for weeks, so I thought would take her for her Birthday. Her Birthday was on a Thursday this year so I was home. We invited Ashley Heber and Zel to come but they couldn’t make it. I Picked up Bryan from school at 10:30 and went right to McDonalds. I got 3 happy meals and Austin was the only one who ate anything. Let them play for a little over two hours. They loved it!!! I however was board out of my mind and after awhile I started to get hungry so I decided to try the chicken nuggets. Bad Bad Bad idea!!! Oh how my tummy hurt after that... Note to self do not eat at McDonalds ever. Came home about one feed them lunch and put them down for a nap. Right after Baylee woke up the neighbors Marla and Kashton stopped by with birthday gifts!!! When we opened the door to let them in we noticed that Baylee’s nursery leaders had dropped her off a gift!! Kashton stayed and played until dinner. After dinner Ashley and Heber stopped by with a gift!! What a spoiled little girl!!!!

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